2Pac - Still I Rise  (1999) ft. Outlawz Lista de temas: 1.Letter to the President  2.Still I Rise  3.Secretz of War  4.Baby Don...

2Pac - Still I Rise ft. Outlawz

2Pac - Still I Rise (1999) ft. Outlawz

Lista de temas:

1.Letter to the President 
2.Still I Rise 
3.Secretz of War 
4.Baby Don't Cry (Keep Ya Head Up II) 
5.As the World Turns 
6.Black Jesuz 
8.Hell 4 a Hustler 
9.High Speed 
10.The Good Die Young 
12.Teardrops and Closed Caskets 
13.Tattoo Tears 
14.U Can Be Touched 
15.Y'all Don't Know Us 

Aquí para descargar el album.

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