Notorious BIG - Life After Death (1997) Lista de temas: CD1: 1. Life After Death Intro 2. Somebody's Gotta Die 3. Hypnotize 4....

Notorious BIG - Life After Death

Notorious BIG - Life After Death (1997)

Lista de temas:

1. Life After Death Intro
2. Somebody's Gotta Die
3. Hypnotize
4. Kick In The Door
5. #!*@ You Tonight - (featuring R. Kelly)
6. Last Day - (featuring The Lox)
7. I Love The Dough - (featuring Jay-Z/Angela Winbush)
8. What's Beef?
9. B.I.G. Interlude
10. Mo Money Mo Problems - (featuring Mase/Puff Daddy)
11. Niggas Bleed
12. I Got A Story To Tell

Aquí para descargar el album.

1. Notorious Thugs
2. Miss U
3. Another - (featuring Lil' Kim)
4. Going Back To Cali
5. Ten Crack Commandments
6. Playa Hater
7. Nasty Boy
8. Sky's The Limit
9. World Is Filled..., The - (featuring Too Short/Puff Daddy)
10. My Downfall - (featuring DMC)
11. Long Kiss Goodnight
12. You're Nobody (Til Somebody Kills You)

Aquí para descargar el album.

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