Wu-Tang Clan - A better tomorrow (2014) Lista de temas: 1.Ruckus In B Minor  2.Felt  3.40th Street Black / We Will Fight  4.Mistaken...

Wu-Tang Clan - A better tomorrow

Wu-Tang Clan - A better tomorrow (2014)

Lista de temas:
1.Ruckus In B Minor 
3.40th Street Black / We Will Fight 
4.Mistaken Identity 
5.Hold the Heater 
6.Crushed Egos 
7.Keep Watch 
9.Preacher's Daughter 
10.Pioneer The Frontier 
12.Ron O'Neal 
13.A Better Tomorrow (2014) 
14.Never Let Go 
15.Wu-Tang Reunion 
?A Better Tomorrow Album Art And Tracklisting 

Aquí para descargar el album.

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